Due to recent uncertainties in the vehicle safety, innocent people are being seriously injured and dying in auto accidents. Due to this negligence shown by auto makers, U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller is proposing S. 2559 which is a bill to expand the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) authority to recall unsafe vehicles and increase funding for automobile safety. This bill may create more transparency on vehicle safety by making information on safety public.

Vehicle safety programs run by NHTSA may get more funding as a result of the Vehicle Safety Bill, S. 2559. The manufacturers have to pay more money that would fuel additional funding to NHTSA. This bill is currently before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation for further consideration.
With the General Motor’s recent recalls on their vehicle defects that has seriously injured and even killed many of our nation’s brightest individuals; any steps that is taken towards the safety of vehicle would be more than a welcome. Vehicle manufactures need to prioritize public safety over profits and if they don’t follow this ethical decision in running their business then an effective regulation would be needed to guide those negligent auto manufacturers.
Crashworthiness is the science of preventing or minimizing serious injuries or death following an accident through the use of vehicle safety systems. There are five crashworthiness principles:
- Maintain survival space
- Provide proper restraint throughout an accident
- Prevent ejection of any body part
- Distribute and channel energy properly
- Prevent post crash fires.
Vehicle Crashworthiness Attorney, E. Todd Tracy has tried 124 cases against GMC, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Honda, Mitsubishi, Ferrari, TRW, Key Safety, Allied Signal, Breed, Takata, JCI, and Dorel Juvenile Group.
Mr. Tracy strongly suggests that if you have been injured or had a loved one killed in any defective vehicle, and you think it could be related to its recall, to contact his law firm and discuss it with one of the attorneys or staff members.
Source: After Market News | The TRACY Firm | July 9th 2014