How The Tracy Law Firm Uses 3D Laser Technology To Prepare Its Accident Lawsuits For Trial

When Vehicle Crashworthiness expert and Car Accident Lawyer Todd Tracy files a lawsuit against car manufacturers or car dealers, he uses sophisticated technology to prove that a safety defect caused death or catastrophic injury. In this video, Tracy demonstrates how the Tracy Law Firm’s Crash Lab uses a FARO 3D laser scanner to reconstruct the car wreck and the damaged vehicle for a car accident lawsuit.

Hello. This is Todd Tracy with another Todd Talks. Today I want to talk with you today about the technology involved in handling vehicle crashworthiness cases. 

The very first thing that you need to understand if you’re going to handle cases against the vehicle industry is you better have the technology backing you up to have credibility.

One of the unique items that we use at my law firm is a device known as a FARO digitization scanner and the FARO digitization scanner is a very unique tool that’s used by companies like Boeing and NASA and all the vehicle industry, but we’re lucky enough to have the access to that information. What it does is it makes a 3D model of the vehicle, so that we can understand crush profile and we can understand the crush characteristics of vehicles. What we do is we take that crush and we put it on to an undamaged vehicle, so that we can understand the …

FARO digitization scanning is a very unique technology that’s used by NASA, Boeing and all the vehicle industry and we’re lucky enough at my law firm to use the same type of technology.

What makes the FARO scanners so unique is the fact that we can literally take any object, be it a seat, an airbag, the underside of a vehicle or an entire vehicle, and we can then use that and make a 4D model.

Now a lot of people say, “4D model? What do you mean by that? Because I’ve only heard of 3D models.”

Well, a 4D model takes it one step further and we can take the vehicles and spin them around once we’ve made a complete replica of it, so that at trial, we can spin it around so that the jury can see any side, the top, the bottom, the sides. We can cut the vehicle in half. We could slice it up in any manner so that the jury can understand this is the extent of the damage.

More importantly though what the FARO scanner does is it gives us an opportunity to understand how the accident forces and the energy dissipated throughout the accident.

Another aspect that we use it for is to look at how has the occupant survival space been destroyed in a rollover or how has the occupant survival space changed in frontals, sides or rears. Then one of the most important aspects of the FARO scanner system that we use is looking and studying occupant kinematics, which is the study of how the human body reacts when outside external forces are exerted on it body. That’s one of the unique aspects of our firm that we have is the unique ability to match our technology with the vehicle industry’s technology.

If you, a family member, or friend have suffered a traumatic car accident injury or they were killed in an auto accident, there may be grounds for a product liability lawsuit against the car maker. The victim’s or family members of the deceased person may be entitled to significantly more money in damages than just a negligence case about the cause of the accident.

The Tracy Law Firm focuses on “Who Caused The Traumatic Car Accident Injuries or Death” — not who caused the accident.

Whether you were at fault or not in the cause of the accident, car companies are required by federal motor vehicle safety standards to make vehicles that will protect the driver and passengers from catastrophic injuries or death.

Contact Todd Tracy directly to request a complimentary catastrophic accident case review at the Vehicle Safety Firm.

Or call the Tracy Firm for a consultation at 214-324-9000.

The Tracy Law Firm is a nationwide law practice dedicated to making cars safer for the public.

One Response

  1. I saw your post titled “How The Todd Tracy Law Firm Uses 3D Laser Technology To Win Car Accident Lawsuits”. Would you give permission to FARO to post a link to this on our Public Safety website? This is a really great post and it clearly explains how your firm benefits from having a FARO laser scanner. Would you give permission to FARO to post a link to this on our Public Safety website?

    Also, FARO is always looking for users of our products who are interested in participating in a case study, or success story. If you participated, the result would be an article that you could use to promote your work to potential customers and we would post it on our website and use it in other marketing applications. Would you like to do this?

    Please let me know.
    Janice White, Director of Product Management, Public Safety

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