Driving is the freedom of independence behind the wheel that opens up the World to you in a way no other mode of transport can. You are in control and you can go wherever you want to, see whatever you want to see and enjoy the World in a completely different light.
Given the responsibility of driving and the fact that every time you get behind the wheel you have your life alongside every other road user’s life in your hand and it is important that you understand the importance of staying safe on the road.
Other drivers are an immediate hazard however if you practice intelligent defensive driving tactics then you will be in much better stead when it comes to driving in your own car. Remember that you are just as much of a hazard to other drivers on the road as they are to you, they have blind spots just like you have blind spots too and it is worth recognizing potential hazards like these as they will improve your driving style tenfold.
However long you have been driving for something that is important to each and every driver is recognizing that distractions are everywhere to you when you are driving. These can vary from driver to driver but it is not worth a lifetime of regret for letting your mind slip for a quick moment of madness.

Concentration is vital on the road; it is the most important aspect of being a safe and sensible driver, yet even without realizing it distractions are surrounding you from the moment you sit behind the wheel. Especially when driving somewhere new to you, it can be easy to take your eyes from the road to admire your surroundings but could have potentially lethal repercussions from a badly timed stare out of the window as no matter where you are there will be people who are used to the road. If you are not then this should be your main focus to make sure you stay safe on the road.
Advertisements and store windows are designed purposefully to make you want to stare into them, visit and becoming easily enticed, however roadside adverts present an increased chance of being involved in a collision which could have easily been avoided.
In-car distractions exist to and could prove to be the most dangerous; mobile and cell phones being a prime example of dangerous behavior behind the wheel, some recent studies suggesting that it could be just as dangerous as driving under the influence. Other people in the car can also be a major distraction; this is especially true when driving with passenger children as they will not understand the gravity of the importance of staying safe on the road. Do not let yourself be distracted by your children whilst behind the wheel, as if you are it diverts your attention away from the road and you are putting them in a far more dangerous situation. Another distraction that is in every car is the access to a radio; it is not worth flicking through an iPod when you should have your eyes on the road instead. Prepare music for your journey as oppose to trying to change songs on the road and you will be far safer when driving however do not let music interfere with your journey and remember driving safe is more important than a song you will have the rest of your life to listen to. Always remember, Prevention is better than regret.
The Tracy Firm in Dallas TX assert the rights of individuals injured in vehicle accidents due to manufacturing design, safety system failures, vehicle aggressivity and vehicle crashworthiness throughout the United States. Vehicle distractions due to vehicle manufacturers inbuilt dashboard systems as GPS, internet application system, phone controls etc can distract you towards accident. If your injuries were the result of a defective automobile, car part or manufacturer’s inbuilt dashboard distraction, we can help you assess your legal options.
Contact us online, or, call us today at 214-324-9000 if you or your loved ones are seriously injured in an accident, and, find out if you have a Vehicle Crash worthiness Case.
Friday 30th November, 2012 | The TRACY firm in Dallas, Texas | By Matt Jones on behalf of RAM tracking, experts in vehicle tracking