The Shocking Truth About Front Airbags & Car Accident Injuries

If an airbag fails to deploy in a car crash and the occupants are killed or receive catastrophic injury, Todd Tracy will review your case at his Crash Lab.

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I’m often asked, “When is my airbag absolutely necessary?” Well, I can tell you your airbag is necessary if you were going 30 miles an hour or above and another vehicle is going 30 miles an hour and above and you collide front to front. Your airbag better deploy because otherwise, you’re going to be seriously injured.

However, I will tell you, even though airbags have been in vehicles since 1988, the biggest problem that I see today with regard to airbags in the front is they don’t work. They do not deploy when they’re supposed to and when an airbag does not deploy in a high impact event, catastrophic injuries and deaths can occur.

For example on this particular accident around here, you can see that this is a very significant frontal impact. Now the reason it’s important to focus on this particular accident is if you look at where the location of the accident is, you will notice that only 30 percent of the front structure is impacted.

Well, 30 percent of the front structure has been engaged. However, when we go look at the airbag system itself, neither airbag deployed. And as a result, the occupants were killed.

Some of the safety systems did their job. For example, look at the structure. The structure maintained the survival space for the occupant space. No damage whatsoever. The seatbelts did their job. You will notice there’s no hair in the windshield when the windshield was upright. There are no injurious contact marks to the instrument panel for the driver or the passenger. But what happened is, is the human body can only withstand so much load. That is the purpose of a front airbag.

We will have people call us and say my airbag – I got involved in a car accident in a parking lot and my airbag fired and my face now looks like it has got a rash. It’s stinging. It’s burning. It almost looks like I hit a cactus. Well, guess what. In three or four days, that rash is going to go away. I’m only interested in airbags when they deploy and they cause catastrophic injuries or you’re dead or more importantly, when an airbag should have fired and didn’t fire, that’s when people get seriously injured or killed.


f you, a family member, or friend have suffered a traumatic car accident injury or they were killed in an auto accident, there may be grounds for a product liability lawsuit against the car maker. The victim’s or family members of the deceased person may be entitled to significantly more money in damages than just a negligence case about the cause of the accident.

The Tracy Law Firm focuses on “Who Caused The Traumatic Car Accident Injuries or Death” — not who caused the accident.

Whether you were at fault or not in the cause of the accident, car companies are required by federal motor vehicle safety standards to make vehicles that will protect the driver and passengers from catastrophic injuries or death.

Contact Todd Tracy directly to request a complimentary catastrophic accident case review at the Vehicle Safety Firm.

Or call the Tracy Firm for a consultation at 214-324-9000.

The Tracy Law Firm is a nationwide law practice dedicated to making cars safer for the public.

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