Category: Car Accident Lawyer

What Is Product Liability In A Car Accident Lawsuit For Personal Injury or Wrongful Death? Personal Injury Attorney Todd Tracy Sues Vehicle Manufacturers for safety failures that cause severe personal injury or wrongful death in car accidents. In this video, Tracy who specializes in Vehicle Crashworthiness explains product liability law. [accordions disabled=”false” autoheight=”false” collapsible=”true”] [accordion title=”Transcript”] Product liability factors in, how our product will

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Personal Injury Lawyer Todd Tracy Holds Vehicle Manufacturers Responsible For Causing Wrongful Death And Severe Injuries In Car Accidents

When Personal Injury Lawyer Todd Tracy files a product liability lawsuit against a car dealer or car manufacturer it gets their attention immediately. Todd is a Vehicle Crashworthiness attorney who has tried more than 2700 car accident lawsuits against car companies for unsafe vehicles that cause death or catastrophic injury in an auto accident. He has fought carmakers and the federal government for more than a quarter century to make vehicles safer for our families and children. Watch how he will fight for you.

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